Monday, September 29, 2008


Full of people at the Muslim cementery on the eve of Hariraya. They recite doa for the well being of the soul of the death Nowadays cementeries are clean. Gardeners maintain the area; not like in the early years when small children armed with scoop and cangkul were asked to do the job before they're given sedekah in a form of 20 to 50 cents per person.
Sense of sadness at the family graveyard. But life has to go on. 'Ada hikmah di sebalik dugaan."
Don't go to cementery without bringing Buku Surah Yassin and Tahlil. At any time mosque official is more than willing to guide you performing the recital. Make an appointment cos their services are greatly needed at this time of the year..

Some make the tambak (grave) beautiful with space for seats facing the Kaabah. The top should be open so the dew would fall into the soil of the grave.

Customary, Aying asah-asahan are poured into the grave after the Tahlil and Qur'an recital. The water contains the dust of kayu cendana which has aromatic smell. This bark of the plant is expensive and exported to West for making perfume. When you pour do recite some verses; at least bismillah or surah Qadr.

Muslims in Brunei are encouraged to visit their family cemetery and to recite verses from Al-Qur’an, the Surah Yasiin and the tahlil. The visit is as frequent as possible but many choose to do so prior to Hari Raya. They ask Allah 's forgiveness and the family soul be put in heaven.

When a Muslim dies, an iman read talkin; reminding the death how to answer questions from Malaikat. Actually the talkin is not only for the death but reminding who still live to behave themselves in a manner according to Islamic religious teachings.

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