People say don't take out the fish fins when you "menyiangi" otherwise hilang lamaknya. I try to relate fish without fins and the rasa lamak. Can't find the good reasons. So I just ask this fish seller to clean my fish including taking out the fins.
Lauk ani lamak, says the seller. How do u explain "lamak ?" Is it fishy ? Are the fish taste like nasi lamak ?
Bakulan ani usulnya buntu, comments my wife. If buntu is rotten, what stage of rottenness ? Smelly, fish eyes come out, hard flesh or just generally look not good.
This Duai Putih is new. Fresh, not buntu and it 's not lamak either. The Chinese like it compare to Duai Hitam.
Entering the second week of Syawal, people start to flock wet market. Reason: for the past 7 days they consumed a lot of meat; beef, chicken, lamp, even kasawari and camel meat. Now they turn to fish and veggy. They start to check their blood pressure, calesterol content and sugar level in their blood.
I was at the wet market Gadong this morning. My mind kept on thinking what subject to download into my blog. I just walked around. Ji, Kembura baru…shouted one fish seller. Ji Rumahan laki, lamak. Tuna ji, nyaman ni. Another one tried to persuade me buying his. When I approached one bangku my wife quickly ushered me into another bangku. Buntu, she commented.
This is good. I was fascinated by Brunei Malay words. Certain element of adjective cannot be explained in other language, even in standard Malay. How do you explain the fish is lamak ? Fishy ? Or what is the nearest word for buntu. Rotten ? Don’t think so. How do u explain the fish meat is nyaman ? Sedap ?
There’re so many Bruneian word that really explain but cannot be/ and quite difficult to translate. Bau tanah atu bangar. What is bangar ? . Agatah betaduh arah limbu. What is limbu ?
1 comment:
Assalamualaikum Tuan Haji,
Blog Tuan Haji mengenai Brunei Malay words menarik perhatian saya.
Sebenar nya banyak perkataan kita yang tidak ada terjemaahan nya dalam bahasa English dan bahasa lain barangkali.
perkataan "lamak" misalan nya banyak erti nya barangkali. dalam context "lauk ani lamak"..can be interpreted or explained as "this fish is oily" "Is it fishy"..dalam bahasa English "fishy" is considered to be off (macam 'buntu') How can be fish fishy? Menurut fahaman saya, 'buntu'..biasa nya ikan itu berbau tidak sebersih bau air lautan..tapi bau ammonia? kalau kitani d Brunei disebabkan hawa panas ikan lekas buntu..
Smell a bit fishy means untrustworthy
Duai Putih is you mean 'fresh'..
Keep on blogging..This is a good way for me to keep in touch and updated with my mother tongue..Brunei as well as bahasa Tutong!
Terima kasih
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