Children Novel Writing Workshop was organised by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. The 4 days workshop (starting on 15th June) was participated by more than 40 budding and veteran writers. In pic, the Acting Director of DBP, Puan Aminah Momin, on the closing session, stressed the importance for writers to carry on writing. Don't wait for competation, she said.
The hard working chairlady, Hajah Nortijah. She hoped participants would come up with the structure of the novels. The work did'nt finish on the closing session, she said. She anticipated to see and show-cased at least 20 to 30 novel fragments by August 2008.
The many suggestions and requests from Rozana on behalf of the writers. Organise more workshops not only on children novel writing, said her.
BB. Beautiful and brain. That is the package owned by Kartini. No doubt one day she may become popular Brunei novelist. At present she is one of the editors in Dewan Bahasa.
This is peserta rasmi or official participant. In the Dewan Sarmayudha there were also a few keen individuals following the workshop. The facilatator named them as peserta pinggiran.
The participants were divided into groups and to come up with story base on their theme group. Here, the group "Misteri" were guided by the facilatator how to mind-mapping the story.

They were participants of the Workshop and on the same capacity as members of the working committee. Seeing from their mood, they're not "begalurat". In fact they're happy to kill two birds with one stone.
They were participants of the Workshop and on the same capacity as members of the working committee. Seeing from their mood, they're not "begalurat". In fact they're happy to kill two birds with one stone.
Its good to lay down your opinion. Talk it out rather than keeping it to yourself. Discussion and brain storming were few ways to produce a good story.
Technology helps a lot. Some participants brought their lap tops to catch up the lecture.
I frooze the action. Dr Jefri, the facilatator was not inviting participants to fly. It's just the body language to empersize certain points on good writing.
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