Saturday, April 4, 2009


Many friends asked where is Helen Thu and why she is not presenting Katak Atas Tempurung anymore ? Well, give her a break. I heard she is holidaying in Europe. Don’t worry she will be back soon.

Everybody has style in presenting. Harun Al Rashid Muslam, who presents KAT for the last few weeks has his own style as well. There should be “pelapis”. Of course some felt a bit “kehilangan” when Helen Thu is not around. This is sure to happen since Katak Atas Tempurung is already in the eleventh year.

Helen Thu is a discipline person. Almost every week she will ring me up and remind me about the KAT script. There is a good chemistry between me and her and I know how she expresses certain words and phrases. She is a good editor as well. Sometimes I wrongly used words or put negative expression in a sentence. She knows what I meant and she corrected them without failure.

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