Sunday, May 18, 2008

Katak Atas Tempurung- On The Road

This week item on KAT touch on road signs in Brunei. There're standard international signs and sign confine to Brunei only. eg you meet a car park by the road side with branches and leaves on the car boot. You know it signifies problems with the car engine. Or maybe out of petrol. Believe me, there're people who roam around until the last drop of petrol !

Another road sign that u can't find in another place is the Jawi writing usually three in a pair. Muslims are asked to recite those zikir. (road sign). Insya Allah u will be safe. The road signs are usually put in accident prone area. With the recital, u will be concentrating on driving. Some rumours account seeing ******* or the feeling of something holding the car. Be brave if you need to go this road.

"Kami jalan terus. Sampai satu selekoh kawan saya bertanya lagi. Tanda apa tu.? Dia tidak pandai baca Jawi. Itu kawasan sering berlaku kemalangan. Pemandu Islam diajak supaya berwaspada dan mengingati Yang Maha Kuasa. Berhantukah, dia terus menyoal ? Saya tidak menjawab. Remang juga bulu roma dibuatnya. Saya hanya mendiamkan diri dan menumpukan perhatian laluan di depan."

For further info surf to and tune to Pelangi FM

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