Sunday, May 3, 2009


Menjejak Kampung just concluded this afternoon. Kongru to organizers. As mantan RTB staff, I went for the visit on the 1st and 2 day. I manage to jot down a few stories for my Katak Atas Tempurung column. I cannot squeeze my time on 3 day (today). but did tune to Harmoni FM this afternoon. Must be syok when Mukun was held at kampung. I could imagine DJ-DJ and orang kampong went for the joget dance on stage.

Yesterday I was interviewed life on National FM (if I was not mistaken). The DJ asked me to comment on language spoken by Radio DJ. My understanding was the Malay usage. Well, I know they have a tough time. Just imagine how many words they utter in one hour… in a day. It should be 100 perfect. No mistake, no error. That’s what their stakeholders want.

But I was a bit “girigitan” when DJ makes simple mistakes. Examples – mereka-mereka when referring to many people. Mereka is already plural. Why repeat mereka-mereka. Some cannot differentiate between “pedalaman” and “pendalaman” Pedalaman is interior – and don’t be mistaken with pendalaman which means to deepen. The difference is only on “n” . One with “n” and another without “n”.

Another phrase which is supposed to be a doa. Semoga awda sampai ke distinasi yang dituju. Distinasi is enough. Distinasi means the place u want to go. Don’t repeat.


Unknown said...

nasional fm tuan... not mational.. heeee

Unknown said...

*not national :)